Promote Your Business with a Free Listing

If you own a business or provide a service, media or accommodations, simply register for a free account by listing your business in the RewardCity Directory, and offer from 15% to 25% Reward Dollar rebates to incentivize thousands of Cardholders to patronize your establishment.

It’s simple…


Creating an account with RewardCity is fast and easy. Simply enter your listing to automatically register for an account when you submit your Free business directory listing, and get new customers in no time at all!

Upon submission, you will receive a confirmation email with details so that you can login, edit or update your business listings, as well as add additional listings.

Add Your Listing to the Directory

Submitting a listing on Reward City is super simple. Be sure to include several pictures, store hours, your menu if a restaurant, so you present an attractive listing to Reward City members with as much information about your business as possible.

Submit Your Free Listing

Get More Interest In Your Place of Business

feature_sessionPlaybackUnlike Group buying sites that only pay a fraction of the sale amount, with RewardCity, participating charter Merchants receive 75% to 85% of the sale amount (depending on your Reward Dollar rebate offer) settled to their current merchant account, as Discover Ultimate Rewards Cardholder’s receive a 15% to 25% Reward Dollar rebate on purchases.

Or, ask us how you can fund your reward rebate loyalty program with your own product, service or accommodations to receive 100% of the sale amount + new additional sales to even more new customers.

Remember, the higher the Reward Dollar rebate percentage you offer on purchases, the more cardholders will be enticed to purchase from you, and the more new customers and repeat business you’ll get.